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How to Survive Christmas if you’re Considering a Divorce

Christmas considering divorce lawyer ChesterfieldThere’s never a good time of the year to initiate divorce proceedings, least of all Christmas. Relationship breakdowns are stressful at any time of the year and its common for the festive season to exacerbate any underlying issues you and your spouse may have. Whether you are considering a divorce, or on the brink of formally separating, here are our tips on surviving Christmas.

Prioritise Children

It’s quite common for the ‘cut off’ point for a relationship to be Christmas when there are children involved. Many couples prefer to begin divorce proceedings in the New Year so as not to spoil the festive season for their children, and to minimise the disruption of being newly separated at Christmas. Try to put the children first at this time of year and attempt to place difficulties to one side. Having a plan or coping strategy in place will help, as will asking for support from friends and family members.

Plan for 2022

Instead of focussing on what may be wrong in your relationship right now, and dwelling on the reasons why you are considering a divorce, why not try making positive plans for the New Year? Look to the future and think about the things you really want to do next year. Why not block out some time in the calendar for trips and holidays, days out and fun activities? Even if your future doesn’t necessarily involve your spouse, this will give you and your children something to look forward to in the New Year.

Make Time for Self-Care

It may be tough during the festive season to carve out any time to yourself but practicing self-care really will help you to get through this period. Try to schedule time to do the things you really enjoy, and rediscover things you used to enjoy. Taking time to do the things that make you feel happy and relaxed, regardless of your relationship circumstances, will go a long way in minimising your stress.

Letting Go of Perfect

It’s a common misconception that the festive season is a time for so-called ‘perfection’. The perfect family, the perfect food, and the perfect presents are all strived for at this time of year, and the reality is often quite different. There’s no such thing as a perfect Christmas and letting go of this concept can be extremely liberating, whatever your circumstances. Try to let go of the expectation that the festive season is ‘supposed’ to be filled with non-stop joy and laughter and try to be more realistic. It’s perfectly normal to experience fluctuations in mood, especially when you’re considering a divorce or separation in the New Year. 

As specialists in matrimonial and family law, we’re experts in helping our clients through the process of separation and divorce. Our first job is always to establish whether a relationship can be saved, regardless of the time of the year. A legal separation process should only be seen as a last resort, but if you are considering a separation, or wish to initiate a divorce in the new year, please do contact us on 01246 555610 for a free initial consultation.


By Vines Legal on 7 Dec 2021, 13:13 PM

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