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Social Media is here to stay, new technology is changing the way news and stories are seen by the ability technology creates to post immediate, live newsfeeds and up to the second information for everyone to see.

Social media news does however, have its draw backs, people being charged through the Courts of Law for not having a clear grasp on the Law applicable online is a huge topic at the moment for discussion.

Recently, a number of high-profile legal cases have exposed this issue further, namely with the case of Lord McAlpine falsely accused on Twitter which is an offence of libel.

Other issues arising from Social Media include:

  • Reporting Sex Offences
  • Breaking Court Orders
  • Contempt of Court
  • Threats
  • Offensive comments
  • Injunctions
  • Defamation

Recent analysis shows that a total of 653 people faced criminal charges in England and Wales last year in connection with comments on Twitter or Facebook.

At Vines Legal, we can work with you to dispel the myths of social media usage from a legal perspective, come and talk to the team today on 01246 555 610.

By Claire Clark on 11 Jul 2013, 14:23 PM

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