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The Re-marriage Trap

Many people choose to remarry after divorce and while, most of the time, this would be considered a happy and positive thing, remarriage can pose a risk if your finances were not dealt with properly at the time of your divorce. If you did not reach any financial resolution with your partner and you remarry, you are unable to apply to make a claim against your ex-partner in the future. However, if your ex-partner does not remarry, they have the right to make a financial claim against you.

By not obtaining what in legal terms is known as a ‘financial clean break’ before remarriage, you are vulnerable to claims being made against you in the future by your ex-partner. Although it is a complex area of law, made more complex still when a lot of time has passed, it is not uncommon for people to change their minds and decide to claim against their ex.

Our solicitors are dedicated to protecting the assets you have today and those you may have in the future. In order to avoid putting yourself in a vulnerable position, call Vines Legal on 01246 555 610 to book a free 30-minute consultation.  

By Claire Clark on 1 Mar 2016, 09:37 AM

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