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Family Solicitors, Your Initial Consultation

Meeting a family solicitor for the first time can be a big deal. When preparing for the initial consultation, there are a few “Dos and Don’ts” that will make it a lot less stressful for you, resulting in a more constructive meeting for both you and your solicitor. Here are some of our suggested Dos and Dont’s:



  1. Bring a family member or friend with you that will make you feel comfortable and support you. This can be a challenging time for you and we completely understand if you bring along a friend or family member for emotional support and another pair of ears.


  1. Come prepared with all necessary details and facts, we will need information relating to you and your relationship, such as dates of birth, the date of your marriage and the date of your separation. We will also need information relating to property, pensions and financial accounts. Having as much information as possible will help us to give you more specific advice.


  1. Make a list of questions to ask. No question is a stupid question. We are here to help you.



  1. Turn up to the appointment late. Turning up late may result in a shorter time and you may not get the opportunity to discuss everything.


  1. Withhold information, even if it is embarrassing. We need to know the full information to provide you with the appropriate advice. Withholding this will only make things more difficult for us to do our jobs.


  1. Equally, by the same token do not exaggerate information as this will also make it harder for us to do our jobs. We need honest answers to be able to give you the best advice and representation.


Get in Touch
If you need any advice, we offer a FREE initial meeting, Click here to book in today!

By Vines Legal: Family Solicitors, Chesterfield on 14 May 2018, 16:50 PM

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