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Protecting Children During a Separation – 3 Essential Tips

protect children separation family lawyer ChesterfieldRegardless of how old your children are, or whether they suspect that a separation is on the cards, it may come as an enormous shock to them and raise a number of emotions. Of course, going through a separation is never going to be easy for the children you share and there are bound to be difficult questions to answer and future arrangements to consider.

As family law specialists, we’ve helped many separating couples to navigate what is a difficult time for the whole family. With this in mind, here are our top 3 essential tips on how to protect your children during a separation.

Be Honest

It’s common for children to be unhappy when their parents are going through a break up, with some children finding it difficult to accept the reality of the situation and hoping their parents will remain together. Try to be as honest as you can when talking about the separation, whilst obviously keeping the child's age and understanding at the forefront of your mind while doing so.

By taking the time to talk to your children about why the separation is happening, showing that you love them, and giving them reassurance that regular contact will continue, these feelings should fade.

Avoid Blame

Another important rule to follow when trying to minimise the impact of break up on your children is to avoid playing the blame game. No matter the age of the child, or the strength of your own emotions regarding the separation, it’s never appropriate to share negative feelings you may have about your ex-partner with them. Upon telling your children about the separation, it’s really important for each adult to give them ‘the same story’, therefore presenting a united front as parents despite no longer being partners.

Seek Support

Although some separated parents are able to remain amicable and co-parent effectively, it’s not the case for all. If things are more complicated, don’t hesitate to seek support from a family law expert to help you to come to an agreement on child arrangements and reach a resolution that everyone is comfortable with. If you are unable to reach an agreement or there are other difficulties, such as safeguarding concerns, the family law expert can advise on the best options to take.

Here at Vines Legal, we’re experts in helping our clients through the process of separation, and we work hard to ensure that the best possible arrangements are made in your child’s best interests. For further help and advice, please contact us on 01246 555610 for a free initial consultation where we can explain all the options available to you.

By Vines Legal on 28 Aug 2022, 13:23 PM

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